Is it Worth Paying
for Singing Lessons?
So you love, or your child loves to sing, but you're wondering, "Is it Worth Paying for Singing Lessons"? It is a very natural question to ask, because if you or someone in your family has a beautiful voice, you might wonder what is the point for paying for the beautiful music inside you that you already have!
Yet, you asked the question for a reason. You came to this point in your life because there is something about your voice or your child's voice that can be developed to produce full expressive potential.
And that, my friends, is what the value of singing lessons brings to the table. Yes, many people who love to sing and are blessed with a sweet voice are gifted, BUT...Do these individuals know how to actually harness the voice so that it will allow for ease of use and proper technique?
Among the many benefits to taking in-person or online singing lessons are the following:
1. Gain comfort while singing
2. Project your voice without straining those vocal chords
3. Learn how to be understood while singing (this is called diction)
4. Gain more range so you can reach those high or low notes
5. Learn your favorite songs and sing them the way they were MEANT to be sung
At our school, the Maestro Musicians Academy, we provide all of the above in our in-person and online singing lessons. We know that you are yearning to let your voice ring free and that there is an expressive genie in the bottle just waiting to come out!
In short, paying for singing lessons will give you or your teen/pree-teen the skills for life-long learning, freedom of expression, and a strong musical foundation that will last you for years to come.
Happy singing!
Daniel Broniatowski, D.M.A.
Maestro Musicians Academy
Singing Lessons in Greater Boston and Online